Tips to Keep The Buffalo Well

Animal Planet

Buffaloes are animals that include oxen beside cattle (true oxen). Buffalo is distinguished from cows because buffalo is considered the most primitive form in terms of its skull. Buffalo has a wide mouth, big ears, fertile growth horns are relatively slow, hair is rare. Legs with widened shoes adjusted for life on muddy soil

Buffaloes are preserved in very different ways around the world. This way of maintenance depends on the geographical situation and the purpose of the buffalo farm. There are various ways of buffalo maintenance, ranging from buffalo maintenance as multi-use cattle that are kept in the backyard to the maintenance of buffalo as milk producers with modern farming system

Buffalo farming can be a lucrative business if managed properly. Buffaloes should be kept as valuable living capital. With proper maintenance, buffalo farms are very profitable. By determining at the time of birth whether a child will be … Read more

Horse Owners Want Optimal Health for Their Equines

General Article

Owning a horse and all the equipment required for your discipline of choice can add up to a considerable amount of money, so keeping the animal healthy is a good investment. Horses were created to be wild and live in a herd on the open range, so keeping them confined is an unnatural lifestyle for them. Horses can develop diseases and conditions that threaten their usability and health when their diet does not meet their nutritional needs. As a knowledgeable horseman, you probably realize the importance of providing a supplement that will support full utilization of available nutrients to the diet of your valuable equine.

twydil o is a supplement that ensures all of the nutrients available in your horses grain and forage fed will be fully utilized. While it is typically performance horses that have high nutritional requirements, the health of any horse is supported when a high quality … Read more

How to Maintain the Right Cattle

General Article

Animal feed is food or intake given to farm animals or pets. Animal feed is a very important factor in cultivation activities in the livestock sector. Therefore, the selection of poultry feed rightly determines the success of the livestock business. Feed requirements of each type of livestock of course vary, depending on the type, age and weight of the livestock. But in general, all livestock need feed and balanced nutrition for growth and its development can be optimal and can produce increase milk production. Because the nutritional needs of cattle can not be fulfilled by giving one type of feed only, then the veraiasi or diversity of the type of feed should also be considered in the feeding of livestock.

Balanced Feed on Cattle

Similarly with cattle business, the provision of quality animal feed greatly affects the success rate of cattle business. Although cattle seeds come from superior seeds … Read more

Insurance for horses in the event of an accident

General Article

You never know when an injury will occur with your riding, show or race horse. If your horse hurt itself on a jump, became sick with a health condition or had to be put down, you could end up being more than emotionally distraught; you could become financially devastated as well without proper horse insurance. Here are some important notes to consider when shopping for horse insurance.

The types of equine insurance include: mortality, liability, loss of use and medical. Mortality insurance is very similar to what is covered in a standard life insurance policy for humans. Liability insurance protects you from potential lawsuits if your horse happens to cause injury to people when they are on your property.

When you are shopping around for the best horse insurance companies , you ideally want to look for a company that has been listed as admitted. An admitted business will have … Read more