AnimalsAnimal Intervention was a show on the National Geographic channel that opportunistically added to anti-exotic pet hysteria. Here is a graphic from the community’s web site that lists the numbers of individual giant exotic pet-inflicted injuries and fatalities. Of course, the ‘unique’ animals get lumped collectively as one entity in the second chart.

I by no means said that canines a mentally disabled youngsters. What I mentioned is that the typical canine has intelligence equal to a human little one of 5-7 years old. I suppose this is because I agreed with Karl of a couple of his ideas who had an opinion apart from your individual (I quoted Aristotle in my last post and you’ll do well to take it to heart; ‘It is the mark of an informed mind to be able to entertain a thought with out accepting it.’)! Many canine can transmit deadly ailments — including …

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On November 29, 2022, the popular British publication, The Grocer, published an op-ed by Animal Equality’s UK Executive Director, Abigail Penny about the suffering of farmed fish.

By: Abigail Penny, Animal Equality UK Executive Director

“As good as any bullet.” The words of a farm manager on a UK pig farm as he was filmed hammering pigs to death. 

The exposé by Animal Equality led major supermarkets to promptly ditch the producer, while the owner resigned from his government-appointed chairman role within a major farm assurance scheme.

Yet, unbeknown to many, bludgeoning still occurs for some animal species due to legal ambiguity. While the Animal Welfare Act broadly states that ‘unnecessary suffering’ of animals is not permitted, farmed fish are yet to receive species-specific legal protections in the form of ‘Welfare at the Time of Killing’ regulations, leaving tens of millions of fish unprotected against potentially the most gruesome of

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On Monday, December 12th, Animal Equality participated in a Senate session to debate Brazil’s proposed ‘Self-Control’ bill. The organization was joined in opposition of the bill by World Animal Protection, the Institute for Consumer Protection, the National Union of Agricultural and Livestock Fiscal Auditors (ANFFA Sindical), and other animal, environmental and consumer protection organizations.

The debated bill would end the mandatory government inspections of slaughterhouses and allow the meat industry to regulate itself.

Animal Equality has shown through investigations how the absence of slaughterhouse inspectors would allow for humane slaughter and sanitary condition violations. If passed, the bill would subject more than 7 billion animals to cruel slaughter and put public health at risk for food-borne illnesses.

The Executive Director of Animal Equality in Brazil, Carla Lettieri, was present at the debate and spoke about the harm that would be cause if the bill passes.

Members of the Coalition Against
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Thirty-five people were arrested and six companies investigated after a criminal gang was found falsifying documents and selling meat from horses that was unfit for human consumption.

A criminal gang has been dismantled after authorities found horse meat unfit for human consumption being sold with forged documentation. The Civil Guard in Spain and Europol in Europe helped bring down the gang, with 35 people arrested and six companies investigated for their crimes. These crimes included: animal abuse, affiliation with a criminal organization, money laundering, crimes against public health and document falsification.

The Civil Guard has confirmed in a statement that the documentation, traceability and fitness for consumption of the animals were forged. The meat obtained from the animals was being sold in Spain and exported to countries like Germany, Belgium and Italy.

In the farm used by the gang, 80 horses were found in inhumane conditions. They were subjected to

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On Thursday, December 8, Animal Equality, a leading global animal protection group, held a protest on the front lawn of the US Capitol to call for an end to horse slaughter. Around a dozen activists gathered on Capitol Hill holding banners and posters to ask Congress to permanently ban the exportation and slaughter of American horses.

Why did we protest?

This protest is a part of Animal Equality’s pressure to end horse slaughter globally, including the US. The organization recently launched an international campaign against the killing of horses for meat. Over 116,000 supporters have already signed the petition.

In the United States, horse slaughter was essentially banned when the US Government took funding away from the USDA to inspect horse slaughterhouses. Only USDA-approved meat is legal to sell. Those that once profited off of selling their horses for slaughter began to auction them off to facilities in Mexico and

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